Creative Life as Play & Expanding Creative Pratice

In my last post I talked about thinking about creative practice in a more expansive way. Today I wanted to share more about that in terms of how play has been informing my work lately.

(This isn’t meant to be a guide. I’m just relaying my own experience because for the first time in awhile I’m enjoying the intersection of daily life and creative practice.)

Also these are things that were constructed specifically with creative practice in mind. Since I’m a stay at home mama as well as an artist I do spend a lot of time playing pretend, running around and doing all the other stuff toddlers love todo. I wanted to explore play that felt intentional for furthering my practice so that was the goal with these exercises.

Some games that are practice based:

Made these cards to play with patterning and symbols. Savine loves sequencing and Marcella loves throwing them… win win.

Collaborative drawings/Mark making

Learning about movement and incorporating it both into practice and routines daily.

I’ve also been cooking (and messing up recipes) a lot. I love cooking for a variety of reasons – it alleviates my anxiety, is a fantastic way to introduce the babies to so many things (sustainability, tastes, textures, growing food, family stories/traditions) and honestly, I really love to eat. So this week we made homemade pasta – fettuccine and winter squash ravioli.

Recipe from The Art of Eating Well by Pellegrino Artusi

4.5 c flour

4 eggs

Pinch of salt

Combine/knead (10 minutes at least) and then through the pasta maker.